You lost me at, “So How did that Make you Feel?”

Kiwi in Toronto
3 min readApr 10, 2024

When the counselor asked me that, I had to refrain from rolling my eyes!

I know I shouldn’t complain. I’m lucky to have access to free counseling sessions through my work benefits. I recently lost my dad and thought some grief counseling would help me process the loss.

But it kinda sucked and was not helpful. The counsellor was nice but her process felt formulaic and she was just interested in making sure I was taking care of myself. Which I am.

There’s nothing wrong with advice on self-care, especially when you’ve had a recent loss of a parent but she missed some key cues I gave her during the session.

Like when she asked me what medication I was on and I told her I take an anti-depressant. There were no further questions on why I take an anti-depressant.

She asked me if I’d had counseling in the past? I said yes, for issues with my father. Nope she didn’t pick that one up either.

Having been a mental health social worker I know the drill. I tried hard to engage with the process but the session left me feeling some what frustrated.

Damn, I’m just going to have to do the work myself!!

So here’s what I’ve been thinking about as I grieve:



Kiwi in Toronto

Kiwi import to Canada, I may be over 50 but I'm not dead yet. I still have things to say.