The Unfortunate Experiment

Kiwi in Toronto
5 min readFeb 13, 2024

In the 1970s and 1980s Dr Herbert Green experimented on New Zealand women without their consent and without them even knowing. The end result was some of those women died.

Green carried out experiments on women related to his study into the natural history of carcinoma in-situ of the cervix (CIS). His work has recently been defended by Iain Chalmers an Oxford Professor.

Chalmers states that New Zealand women are indebted to Green’s research but fails to mention the research was carried out without the consent or even knowledge of the women who were his test subjects.

Chalmers states:

“It is now clear that the treatment and monitoring methods introduced by Herb Green have benefited numerous women through avoidance of major surgery and preservation of fertility.”

Dr Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death”, scientific discoveries such as the genetics of specific proteins protecting against infections, led to many more scientific discoveries, but they came at a huge cost. It is estimated that over 15,000 victims, with many more undocumented, died as a result of Mengele’s horrific experiments.

While Green’s experiments don’t come close to the atrocities carried out by Mengele and I do not want to dishonor those who lost their lives in horrific circumstances, no one is indebted to…



Kiwi in Toronto

Kiwi import to Canada, I may be over 50 but I'm not dead yet. I still have things to say.